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Amiga's RULE!
If you don't think so, wait till the Amiga NG from Gateway comes out!


I don't have a girlfriend at the moment (But I'm looking...:) Offers? )

I'm not gonna go into my private life here, cos I just don't want you to know...So, I'll go on about my other passion...AMIGA's! (well, it means 'friend' in Spanish...)

I have a 1997 Commodore Amiga A1200 with the following Specification: -

- Motorola MC68030FE33 CPU
- Motorola MC68030FE33 MMU
- Motorola MC68882RC33 FPU
- Motorola MC680ec20RC16 CPU for fall back
- Commodore Advanced Graphical Architecture display chipset (Blitter)
- IDE ATAPI PIO mode-0 IDE interface
- 2 disk drives (one external)
- 2Mb Chip Memory
- 32Mb Burst-EDO Fast Memory
- 3224Mb Samsung UDMA-33 Hard disk with PCMCIA controller
- 17" M1764 Monitor
- 32 speed LG Goldstar IDE CD-ROM drive
- BTC 8 Speed CD-ROM drive
- Aztech 2 speed CD-ROM drive
- AmigaOS WorkBench and KickStart3.01
- Sony SRS-A30 Active speakers
- Wizard Developments 450Watt High Output PSU.
- Rombo VIDI Amiga Digitizer

Well, that's all I can remember about the hardware.  I could go on about the software, but if you really want to know, you would have met me by now and I probably would have told you that I use my Amiga for Raytracing (Slowly...) Computer art, general graphics and to play games on such as those dead addictive ones that are rip off's of Tetris (There's loadsa them on the Amiga).

Anyway, as much as I like my Amiga, I can't wait for the Amiga NG to come out from Gateway in the next year or-so...

Last Updated: 1999